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Forum moves to legacy.classdev.net
330 Posts

Hi everyone! It's been a while.


Since we (@powersupersport and @thunder) have long since been planning to use Classdev as our personal brand, we finally did so. We opened a company "Class Developer" (or "Classdev" for short). We had plans for it since the site's creation in the first place.

There is a very long project in the works as some of you may know - Car Battle, which was going to be the turning point for this forum. However, certain circumstances have made us open a company earlier. Until the game's released, we will be offering freelance services using the root domain (classdev.net). This all means we're technically rebranding the meaning of Classdev.

This forum has been moved to https://legacy.classdev.net. An important detail to note is that I'm not closing it. I will personally try my best to keep it up for as long as possible, particularly for content-preservation purposes. The site's registration will also remain open.

Data and security

Something I have been neglecting for the longest time is the site updates, particularly ones that are more critical. There was a clause in the TOS that we retain all deleted content indefinitely, which was true (this is also referred to as "soft-delete"), which meant all deleted posts and threads were kept indefinitely. Initially, the idea behind this was to have a fallback if someone had deleted something on accident, so we can restore it.

My view on this has significantly shifted over the past years. I no longer feel that it's an acceptable practice to say something has been deleted, yet it actually isn't. As of today, I finally took care of this. The TOS and PP have been amended severely in benefit of the user, as well as everything that has been soft-deleted, has now been permanently deleted. And any action that had been doing a soft-delete, now performs a permanent delete. Only caveat is that regular backups will still contain the data, but this can be reasonably expected.

There was also a bug, where unused files were not being cleaned up. This has been taken care of, and all unused files have been deleted.


Since the site's code is very old, I did the bare minimum of what I can to improve the site's security. I updated PHP from 7.1 to 8.3.

Alongside, I've also made some smaller changes. Here's the list of all changes:

- Updated from PHP 7.1 to PHP 8.3 (latest)
- Fixed unused files not being deleted
- Changed privacy settings level "Nobody" to "Staff Only" to make it more transparent
- Removed Google+ in profile (about time)
- Removed navigation from footer - it was mostly unnecessary
- Removed version number from footer
- Removed all ads
- Other small fixes that may, or may have not, been affected by the PHP update

If you find any new issues with anything, please let me know and I'll try to fix them. However please bear in mind, no new features are planned for this forum.


In conclusion, Classdev was never meant to be a 3D Rad alias, though it has become inevitably. I believe I carry a large part of the fault, since Classdev was initially planned to be a better version of the old 3D Rad Forum. I am sorry it has come this way.

This forum is being redirected to https://legacy.classdev.net, and all existing links, will be properly preserved/redirected. The forum will serve no promotional material for the new Classdev brand, asides from a likely regular thread in the General section.

If you are interested in the private Classdev brand, feel free to check in once in a while on classdev.net (the main domain), where we should be publishing a website very soon. If you aren't, that's completely fine and you can stick to legacy.classdev.net, which will remain operational for as long as possible. And in case you feel offended/wronged and would not like to associate yourself with Classdev, I completely understand and sincerely apologize. The least I can do for you is delete your account/data on demand. In such case, please email me at support@classdev.net, or post here (whichever feels appropriate for you).

Thank you all for the journey!
Created on: 7 months ago
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