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30 days to be the best
273 Posts

hey just wanted to show you guys what i've been working off the past few months
its a game about a man who has terminal cancer and has 30 days left to live, so he wants to become a fighting world champion
its gonna be similar to skullfracture but with a bunch of improvements here and there
here's a trailer
Created on: 2 years ago
273 Posts

so i published my last update for the game and gave it the "ultimate edition" subtitle, just to be fancy

here's all the things i improved

-The game now has post processing effects (lol thanks for the suggestion) and a new lighting system.
-A new arena for secret battles has been added.
-Two playlist buttons have been added in the main menu.
-AI has been reworked to be more aggressive.
-Other minor bug fixes, UI changes and gameplay improvements.

you can watch the updated trailer here https://youtu.be/_v0QikJrQl4

and the download link is here https://store.steampowered.com/app/1908490/30_Days_to_be_the_Best/

thanks for reading
Created on: 1 year ago
144 Posts

CAW CAW! nice selection of key give-aways for sure, annoying crow is a legend, but it's free so why bother promoting it that way - CAW CAW?
Created on: 1 year ago
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