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Game Reviews 3 - Test Drive Unlimited
202 Posts

This is the best open world racing game ever!

Test Drive Unlimited (TDU for short) was published by Atari in 2006. Its an arcade styled driving game, where the goal is to have fun, literally! Buy houses and cars, win money, buy some more houses and cars, and so on.
Many type of events like circuit races, checkpoint races, speed cameras, and online multiplayer (which is dead by now)!

I first found this game in 2017 March, when i was shearching for a good racing game. I found the game, downloaded the ISO, burned it onto a disc. It was pretty confusing what to do at first. It didnt understanded it until the point when i literally gave up figuring out what to do. Later on in July, when there was no school, I found TDU again and was like "Hmmm...lets give it another try". And it was a great idea. I completed the whole game in 2~3 weeks! It was awesome. Im also trying to complete the game once again, because its just too good!

PS2 / PSP versions:

The PS2 version was the first one I played. Its just a great game overall, doesnt really have any bigger flaws. Except for some cars manufacturers missing, Like Ferrari and Lexus, also graphical detail is lower compared to PC / XBox versions, but...you know it wasnt done because "Oh no we Atari hate the PS2 because their FAT console looks like one of our computer". It was because of hardware limitations. Its still good, its the best port of all! (The PSP version is the same as the PS2 one) These versions include a system that is not included in the other ports: Master Points. These points are given for literally ANYTHING. Driving fast, drifting, slipstreaming. You can also unlock cars after reaching a high enough score.

PC / XBox versions:

I have to talk about the PC one first. It has many compatibility issues, like:
- No radio station music
- Invisible police cars
- Weird traffic car movement

These 3 things easily get rid of all the fun from the game. It runs at 400FPS, and even if limited to 30 or 60 FPS, it just ignores it. But while recording, it gets limited to 60 instantly. On Windows 10, the game might not start at your first try. It might take 2, 5, 10 or even 30 tries to launch the game properly! The police cars are really dumb compared to other games, hitting other traffic cars feels unrealistic, but it has more detail. Unlike the PS versions, this one has Manual Transmission, Steering wheel support, character customizability, and many more!

Would i recommend this game to someone who never played a video game like this one? Definitelly! Its real good, will keep you entertained for hours, it has no pointless storyline, no cutscenes, just straight up freeroaming and caring while having insane fun! Just go ahead and download it from somewhere, but getting a copy of the game is still really easy on Ebay

Price: 2000 - 11000 HUF / 10 - 40$

PC: 6 / 10
XBox: 7 / 10
Sony: 10 / 10
Created on: 12 Jun, 2018 (19:55)
145 Posts

I remember playing this game on the PC with a steering wheel and pedals plugged in, it was one the best experiences I've had. I recommend this game, and number 2.
Created on: 13 Jun, 2018 (13:00)
202 Posts

Yup, the second game is a great one too, just like the original! I mean literally that Chrysler ME412 with its 450Km/h+ top speed is insane, i want that car to be in more games :P Still one of my fave for sure!
Created on: 13 Jun, 2018 (15:06)
442 Posts

I was a fan of midtown madness1 & 2
Created on: 13 Jun, 2018 (18:27)
202 Posts

Ohohoh! Good to see someone also likes that series too! I wanted to play both games sooo much but Windows 10 is not the best OS to run these games on. The first one didnt even launch, i tried everything but nothing worked. The second game kinda did, but it was glitchy, slow or just unplayable. And it never had any sounds! But its just a great game!
Created on: 13 Jun, 2018 (19:06)
6 Posts

i ran midtown madness 2 in windows 10 using dgvoodoo
Created on: 16 Jun, 2018 (17:32)
442 Posts

sounds interesting, i'll checkout dgvoodoo, but i'm on win7 as my default OS, and i havent tried to install or run midtown maddness or install it... i think i was using winXP when i played it before.
Created on: 16 Jun, 2018 (18:12)
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